Welcome to our website. We are husband and wife Steven and Barbara-Ann, we are a typical married couple who happen to enjoy chatting with each other about what's going on in the world and our thoughts on same, we also discuss alternative therapies and homeopathic remidies for common ailments aswell as anything else that comes across our radar. We also take questions from listeners and usually have great interraction with the regulars who join us in the chat room every Thursday. Our youngest daughter Holly usually pops in during the show for a quick chat and sometimes a song. Our live show is at 7.30pm to 9.30pm GMT and podcasts are available after the show.
Our show is like eavesdropping on an old married couple in a coffee shop, cafe or on the bus. We have been known to even have the odd disagreement too just to spice things up. Please join us on Peoples Internet Radio every Thursday from 7.30 to 9.30pm (GMT)
If you can't catch the live show please check out our podcast link above and check out some of our previous shows. Podcasts are stored on Soundcloud in super high quality stereo sound.