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Husband and wife team Steven and Barbara-Ann are a typical open-minded married couple from a small village in Ireland who enjoy chatting about "stuff". We are live on Peoples Internet Radio each and every Thursday for your listening pleasure, tune in and chat with them in chatroom or live on air. Podcasts also available.
The views and opinions expressed on the 2's Company Radio Show are those of the hosts, guests and callers, and are not necessarily those of Peoples Internet Radio, it’s management or other Hosts or advertisers. We welcome callers to the show and also comments and questions in the chatroom however if you disagree with something we say please be constructive in your comments as we are both open-minded enough to listen to other points of view. The shows found on the 2's Company Radio website can promote any lifestyle, belief, religion, political affiliation or other personal practice. These shows are for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose and/or claim any cure of disease or condition.